Optex Systems    TSP    Purchase Order: 9D16861    Page lof 2 
1420 Presidential    Please fax signed copy of this Purchase Order Instructions to seller:         
Richardson, TX 75081    to: Purchasing Dept. 972.234.3544    1. Purchase Order number and Purchase Order item number must appear on all 
                shipping documents, quality certifications, invoices and packages.     
                2. Packing sheets in detail must accompany each container showing complete 
Phone: 972.644.0722        description of the contents         
Fax:    972.234.3544        3. All correspondence relative hereto will be addressed to     
                the attention of the signer hereof.     
                4. This order will be governed    by these instructions; any     
                special conditions typed herein and other specifications, reports,     
                and documents duly referenced herein.     
Attention:            FOB:    ORIGIN     
                Order Date:    10/26/2009     
        TSP Inc        Due Date:    See Below     
        2009 Glenn Parkway    Ship Via:    United Parcel Servic 
        Batavia, OH 45103             
        Phone:    513-732-8900    Terms:    Net 30 Days     
        Fax:    513-732-6988    Prime Contract #:         
                DM5 Rating:         
                Buyer:    Peeples, Ronald E.     
Notes    ***NEED CERTS***             
        Ship UPS Collect Customer Acct#498653             
        DMR#1 0573                 
        NC ID#11342                 
        OSI-10087 TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY             

            Optex Systems L an equal opportunity employer            Continued over 

Optex Systems    TSP mc:        Purchase Order: 9D16861    page2of2 
1420 Presidential    Please fax signed copy of this Purchase Order to                 
        Purchasing Dept. 972.234.3544    Instructions to seller:             
Richardson, TX 75081            1. Purchase Order number and Purchase Order item number must appear on all shipping 
                documents, quality certifications, invoices and packages.         
Phone:    972.644.0722            2. Packing sheets in detail must accompany each container showing complete description of 
                the contents             
Fax:    972.234.3544            3. All correspondence relative hereto will be addressed to the attention of the signer hereof. 
                4. This order will be governed by these instructions; any special conditions typed herein and 
                other specifications, reports, and documents duly referenced herein.     

Line Past ID    Rev    Past Description    U/M    Quantity    Unit Price    Extd Price] 

1    12548773        Window, JCWS    EA    10.00    33.28000    $332.80 
Optex ECN No. 550                         
            Due Date 1112512009    SO No: 2006/550400             

Accepted By        Authorized        OrderSub Total:    $332.80 

                    Oer ToI:        $332.80 

            :::::    9            1 

Optex Systems    TSP mc:    Purchase Order: 9B1.6294    Page lof 2 
1420 Presidential    Please fax signed copy of this Purchase Order Instructions to sefler:         
Richardson, TX 75081        1. Purchase Order number and Purchase Order item number must appear on all 
            to Purchasing Dept. 972.234.3544    shipping documents, quality certifications, invoices and packages.     
                2. Packing sheets in detail must accompany each container showing complete 
Phone: 972.644.0722        description of the contents         
Fax:    972.234.3544        3. All correspondence relative hereto will be addressed to     
                the attention of the signer hereof.     
                4. This order will be governed    by these instructions; any     
                special conditions typed herein and other specifications, reports,     
                and documents duly referenced herein.     
Attention:    Tootie Hardman    FOB:    ORIGIN     
                Order Date:    7120/2009     
        TSP Inc    Due Date:    See Below     
        2009 Glenn Parkway    Ship Via:    United Parcel Servic 
        Batavia, OH 45103             
        Phone:    513-732-8900    Terms:    Net 30 Days     
        Fax:    513-732-6988    Prime Contract #:    See Below     
                DM5 Rating:    See Below     
                Buyer:    Peeples, Ronald E.     
Notes    1528-3OIDAAE2O-03-D-0052100301D0-A5             
        51 28-33/DAAE2O-03-D-0052/0030/DO-A5             
        OSI-10087 TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY             


            Optex Systems is an equal opportunity employer            Continued over 

Optex Systems        TSP mc:            Purchase Order: 9B16294    Page2of2 
1420 Presidential        Please fax signed copy of this Purchase Order to                     
            Purchasing Dept. 972.234.3544        Instructions to seller:             
Richardson, T)( 75081                        1. Purchase Order number and Purchase Order item number must appear on all shipping 
                            documents, quality certifications, invoices and packages.     
Phone: 972.644.0722                        2. Packing sheets in detail must accompany each container showing complete description of 
                            the contents             
Fax: 972.234.3544                        3. All correspondence relative hereto will be addressed to the attention of the signer hereof. 
                            4. This order will be governed by these instructions;    any special conditions typed herein and 
                            other specifications, reports, and documents duly referenced herein.     

Line Part ID        Rev    Part Descri tion        U/M    uanti    Unit Price    Extd Price 
1    12357796-3        F        Window            EA    500.00    2.35000    $1,175.00 
Supplier to fab -3 detail complete    to print per Drawing No. 12357796 Rev F.                         
QC Codes: 3                Due Date 812812009    SO No:    1528-33/550400             

2    12357796-3        F        Window            EA    250.00    2.35000    $587.50 
Supplier to fab -3 detail complete    to print per Drawing No. 12357796    Rev F.                         
QC Codes: 3                Due Date 911812009    SO No:    1528-30/550400             

3    12357796-3        F        Window            EA    250.00    2.35000    $587.50 
Supplier to fab -3 detail complete    to print per Drawing    No.    12357796    Rev F.                         
QC Codes: 3                Due Date 1012312009    SO No:    1528-33/550400             

4    12357796-3        F        Window            EA    250.00    2.35000    $587.50 
Supplier to fab -3 detail complete to print per Drawing    No.    12357796    Rev F.                         
QC Codes: 3                Due Date 1111 3/2009    SO No:    1528-30/550400             

5    12357796-3        F        Window            EA    250.00    2.35000    $587.50 
Supplier to fab -3 detail complete    to print per Drawing    No. 12357796    Rev F.                         
QC Codes: 3                Due Date 1211812009    SO No:    1528-33/550400             

6    12357796-3        F        Window            EA    250.00    2.35000    $587.50 
Supplier to fab -3 detail complete    to print per Drawing    No. 12357796    Rev F.                         
QC Codes: 3                Due Date 111512010    SO No:    1528-30/550400             

7    12357796-3        F        Window            EA    250.00    2.35000    $587.50 
Supplier to fab -3 detail complete    to print per Drawing    No.    12357796    Rev F.                         
QC Codes: 3                Due Date 2/512010    SO No:    1528-33/550400             

Accepted By            Authorized By                OrderSub Total:    $4,700.00 

Vendor:            Optex:        7    7/    Tax:        $0.00 

Date:            Date:    c/ \kI -cZ9z?    Order Total    $4,700.00 

Optex Systems    TSP    Purchase Order: 9B16292    Page lof 2 
1420 Presidential    Please fax signed copy of this Purchase Order Instructions to seller:             
Richardson, TX 75081        1. Purchase Order number and Purchase Order item number must appear on all 
            to: Purchasing Dept. 972.234.3544    shIpping documents, quality certifications,    Invoices and packages.     
                2. Packing sheets In detail must accompany    each container showing complete 
Phone:    972.644.0722        description of the contents             
Fax:    972.234.3544        3. Au correspondence relative hereto will be addressed to     
                the attention of the signer hereof.         
                4. This order will be governed    by these Instructions; any     
                special conditions typed herein and other specifications, reports,     
                and documents duly referenced herein.         
Attention:    Tootle Hardman    FOB:    ORIGIN     
                Order Date:    7/20/2009     
        TSP Inc        Due Date:    See Below     
        2009 Glenn Parkway    Ship Via:    United Parcel Servic 
        Batavia, OH 45103                 
        Phone:    513-732-8900    Terms:    Net 30 Days     
        Fax:    513-732-6988    Prime Contract #:    See Below     
                DM5 Rating:    See Below     
                Buyer:    Peeples, Ronald E.     
Notes        5I 28-33JDAAE2O-03-D-0052/0033/Do-A5                 
        OSI-10087 TERMS AND CONDiTIONS APPLY                 

            Optex Systems is an equal opportunity employer                Continued over 

lOptex Systems    TSP mc:        Purchase Order: 9B1.6292     
1420 Presidential    Please fax signed copy of this Purchase Order to                         
        Purchasing Dept. 972.234.3544        Instnictlons to seller:             
Richardson, TX 75081                1. Purchase Order number and Purchase Order item number must appear on all shipping 
                    documents, quality certifications, Invoices and packages.         
Phone: 972.644.0722                2. PackIng sheets In detail must accompany each container showing complete description of 
ax. rfl7) .-A A-rAr                the 3. contents             
                    All correspondence relative hereto will be addressed to the attention of the signer hereof. 
                    4. This order will be governed by these Instructions; any special conditions typed herein and 
                    other specifications, reports, and documents duly referenced herein.     

Line Part ID    Rev    Part Description            U/M    Quantity    Unit Price    Extd Price] 
1    12285097    F    Window            EA    500.00    3.38000    $1,690.00 
Supplier to fab complete to print per Drawing    No. 12285097    Rev. F.                         
QC Codes: 3        Due Date 812812009        SO No:    1528-33/550400             

2    12285097    F    Window            EA    250.00    3.38000    $845.00 
Supplier to fab complete to print per Drawing No. 12285097    Rev. F.                         
QC Codes: 3        Due Date 911812009        SO No:    1528-30/550400             

3    12285097    F    Window            EA    250.00    3.38000    $845.00 
Supplier to fab complete to print per Drawing    No. 12285097    Rev. F.                         
QC Codes: 3        Due Date 10I2i2009        SO No:    1528-33/550400             

4    12285097    F    Window            EA    250.00    3.38000    $845.00 
Supplier to fab complete to print per Drawing    No. 12285097    Rev. F.                         
QC Codes: 3        Due Date 1013012009        SO No:    1528-30/550400             

5    12285097    F    Window            EA    250.00    3.38000    $845.00 
Supplier to fab complete to print per Drawing    No. 12285097    Rev. F.                         
QC Codes: 3        Due Date 11I2012009        SO No:    1528-33/550400             

6    12285097    F    Window            EA    250.00    3.38000    $845.00 
Supplier to fab complete to print per Drawing No. 12285097    Rev. F.                         
QC Codes: 3        Due Date 121412009        SO No:    1528-33/550400             

7    12285097    F    Window            EA    250.00    3.38000    $845.00 
Supplier to fab complete to print per Drawing No. 12285097    Rev. F.                         
QC Codes: 3        Due Date 111512010        SO No:    1528-30/550400             

Accepted By        Authorized By    /            OrderSub Total:    $6,760.00 

Vendor:        Optex:                         

Date:        Date:                Order Total:        $6,760.00 

Optex Systems    TSP    Purchase Order: 9B16014    Page lof 2 
1420 Presidential    Please fax signed copy of this Purchase Order Instructions to seller:         
Richardson, TX 75081        1. Purchase Order number and Purchase Order item number must appear on all 
            to: Purchasing Dept. 972.234.3544    shipping documents, quality certifications, invoices and packages.     
Phone: 972.644.0722        description 2. Packing sheets in detail must accompany each container showing complete 
                of the contents         
Fax:    972.234.3544        3. All correspondence relative hereto will be addressed to     
                the attention of the signer hereof.     
                4. This order will be governed    by these instructions; any     
                special conditions typed herein and other specifications, reports,     
                and documents duly referenced herein.     
Attention:    Tootie Hardman    FOB:    ORIGIN     
                Order Date:    6/3/2009     
        TSP Inc        DueDate:    8/7/2009     
        2009 Glenn Parkway    Ship Via:    United Parcel Servio 
        Batavia, OH 45103             
        Phone:    513-732-8900    Terms:    Net 30 Days     
        Fax:    513-732-6988    Prime Contract #:    W56HZV-07-D-M112 
                VMS Rating:         
                Buyer:    Peeples, Ronald E.     
        All terms and conditions of original P0 apply             

            Optex Systems is an equal opportunity employer            Continued over 

Optex Systems    TSP mc:            Purchase Order: 9B16014    e20f2 
1420 Presidential    Please fax signed copy of this Purchase Order to                         
        Purchasing Dept. 972.234.3544        Instructions to seller:             
Richardson, TX 75081                1. Purchase Order number and Purchase Order item number must appear on all shipping 
                    documents, quality certifications, invoices and packages.         
Phone: 972.644.0722                2. Packing sheets in detail must accompany each container showing complete description of 
                    the contents             
Fax: 972.234.3544                3. All correspondence relative hereto will be addressed to the attention of the signer hereof. 
                    4. This order will be governed by these instructions; any special conditions typed herein and 
                    other specifications, reports, and documents duly referenced herein.     

Line Part ID    Rev    Part Description        U/Fl    Quantity    Unit Price    Extd Pri ce) 
1    LS1027712    A    Window, Lower            EA    200.00    2.35000    $470.00 
Supplier to fab complete to print with NOR    GDV193I                             
QC Codes: 3        Due Date 81712009        SO No:    3008/550400             

2    L51027712    A    Window, Lower            EA    190.00    2.35000    $446.50 
Supplier to fab complete to print with NOR    GDV1 931                             
QC Codes: 3        Due Date 111612009        SO No:    3008/550400             

Accepted By    Authorized By                OrderSub Total:    $916.50 

Vendor:    Optex:    /            Tax:        $0.00 
                            Order Total:    $916.50 

Date:    Date:    -    /                 

Optex Systems    TSP    Purchase Order: 9B16802    Pagelof3 
1420 Presidential                 
Richardson, TX 75081    Please fax signed copy of this Purchase Order Instructions 1. Purchase Order to seller: number and Purchase Order item number must appear on all 
        to: Purchasing Dept. 972.234.3544    shipping documents, quality certifications, invoices and packages.     
            2. Packing sheets in del:ail must accompany each container showing complete 
Phone:    972.644.0722        description of the contents         
Fax:    972.234.3544        3. All correspondence relative hereto will be addressed to     
            the attention of the signer hereof.     
            4. This order will be governed    by these instructions; any     
            special conditions typed herein and other specifications, reports,     
            and documents duly referenced herein.     
Attention: Tootie Hardman    FOB:    ORIGIN     
            Order Date:    10/12/2009     
    TSP Inc    DueDate:    11/9/2009     
    2009 Glenn Parkway    Ship Via:    United Parcel Servia     
    Batavia, OH 45103             
    Phone:    513-732-8900    Terms:    Net 30 Days     
    Fax:    513-732-6988    Prime Contract #:    W56HZV-06-G-0006     
            DM5 Rating:    DOA4     
            Buyer:    Peeples, Ronald E.     
    OSI-10087 TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY             

        Optex Systems is an equal opportunity employer        Continued over 

Optex Systems    TSP mc:        Purchase Order: 9B16802    Page2of3 
1 4)fl D    I        Please fax signed copy of this Purchase Order to                     
                Purchasing Dept. 972.234.3544    InstructiOns to seller:             
Richardson, TX    75081                1. Purchase Order number and Purchase Order item number must appear on all shipping 
                        documents, quality certifications, invoices and packages.         
Phone:    972.644.0722                2. Packing sheets in detail must accompany each container showing complete description of 
                        the contents             
Fax:    972.234.3544                3. All correspondence relative hereto will be addressed to the attention of the signer hereof. 
                        4. This order will be governed by these instructions; any special conditions    typed herein and 
                        other specifications, reports, and documents duly referenced herein.     


Line Part ID            Rev    Part Description        U/M    Quantity    Unit Price    Extd Price 

1    12285078-2            G    Window (Short Driver)        EA    100.00    4.37000    $437.00 
Supplier to fab -2 detail complete to print per Drawing    No. 12285078    Rev G, less paint per drawing    note 10.                 
QC Codes: 3                Due Date 111912009    SO No:    2077-1/550400             

2    12285078-2            G    Window (Short Driver)        EA    100.00    4.37000    $437.00 
Supplier to fab -2 detail complete    to print per Drawing    No. 12285078    Rev G, less paint per drawing    note 10.                 
QC Codes: 3                Due Date 12114I2009    SO No:    2077-1/550400             

3    12285078-2        G    Window (Short Driver)        EA    100.00    4.37000    $437.00 
Supplier to fab -2 detail complete    to print per Drawing    No. 12285078    Rev G, less paint per drawing    note 10.                 
QC Codes: 3                Due Date 111112010    SO No:    2077-1/550400             

4    12285078-2        G    Window (Short Driver)        EA    100.00    4.37000    $437.00 
Supplier to fab -2 detail complete    to print per Drawing    No. 12285078    Rev G, less paint per drawing    note 10.                 
QC Codes: 3                Due Date 211 5I2010    SO No:    2077-1/550400             

5    12285078-2            G    Window (Short Driver)        EA    100.00    4.37000    $437.00 
Supplier to fab -2 detail complete    to print per Drawing    No. 12285078    Rev G, less paint per drawing    note 10.                 
QC Codes: 3                Due Date 3I15I2010    SO No:    2077-1/550400             

6    12285078-2        G    Window (Short Driver)        EA    100.00    4.37000    $437.00 
Supplier to fab -2 detail complete    to print per Drawing    No. 12285078    Rev G, less paint per drawing    note 10.                 
QC Codes: 3                Due Date 411 9I2010    SO No:    2077-1/550400             

7    12285078-2        G    Window (Short Driver)        EA    100.00    4.37000    $437.00 
Supplier to fab -2 detail complete    to print per Drawing    No. 12285078    Rev G, less paint per drawing    note 10.                 
QC Codes: 3                Due Date 511712010    SO No:    2077-1/550400             

8    12285078-2            G    Window (Short Driver)        EA    100.00    4.37000    $437.00 
Supplier to fab -2 detail complete    to print per Drawing    No. 12285078    Rev G, less paint per drawing    note 10.                 
QC Codes: 3                Due Date 612112010    SO No:    2077-1/550400             

            Optex Systems is an equal opportunity employer                " Continued over 

Optex Systems    TSP mc:        Purchase Order: 9B16802    Page30f3 
1420 PresidenUal    Please fax signed copy of this Purchase Order to                     
        Purchasing Dept. 972.234.3544    Instructions to seller.             
Richardson, TX 75081            1. Purchase Order number and Purchase Order item number must appear on all shipping 
                documents, quality certifications, invoices and packages.     
Phone: 972.644.0722            2. Packing sheets in detail must accompany each container showing complete description of 
                the contents             
Fax:    972.234.3544            3. All correspondence relative hereto Will be addressed to the attention of the signer hereof. 
                4. This order will be governed by these instructions;    any special conditions    typed herein and 
                other specifications, reports, and documents duly referenced herein.     

Line Part ID    Rev    Part Descri tion        U/M    uanti    Unit Price    Extd Price 

9    12285078-2    G    Window (Short Driver)        EA    100.00    4.37000    $437.00 
Supplier    to fab -2 detail complete    to print per Drawing No. 12285078 Rev G, less paint per drawing    note 10.                 
QC Codes: 3        Due Date 711912010    SO No:    2077-1/550400             

10    12285078-2    G    Window (Short Driver)        EA    100.00    4.37000    $437.00 
Supplier    to fab -2 detail complete    to print per Drawing No. 12285078 Rev G, less paint per drawing    note 10.                 
QC Codes: 3        Due Date 812312010    SO No:    2077-1/550400             

Accepted By    Authorized By            OrderSub Total:    $4,370.00 

Vendor:    Optex:    r        Tax:        $0.00 

Date:        Date:    // -        Order Total:    $4,370.00